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En savoir plus sur SAP Business One
Ayez le contrôle de votre entreprise avec SAP Business One – L’ERP pour TPE et PME
SAP Business One's interface was easy to use and intuitive. It was simple to use and understand, and it provided me with quick and easy access to the data and reports I required for my business.
Can be extremely difficult. Searching for a particular report or document may need several steps and be too involved for straightforward reporting.
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Logiciel de Comptabilité et de gestion de Stocks
Commentaires : Dans l'ensemble , SAP Business One aide les entreprises à mieux s'en sortir dans la gestion des tâches , des données et comptabilise également les données de l'entreprise . Possède également des meilleurs CRM et qui intervient également dans les achats , ventes pour répondre aux besoins des clients . Je le recommande
Avantages :
SAP Business One est un logiciel très intéressant et utile pour répondre aux besoins des entreprises pour la gestion de stocks et de Comptabilité . Facile à utiliser et capable de gérer plusieurs tâches à la fois pour gagner du temps . Ressoudre avec rapidité les quelques problèmes rencontrés par les clients . Je le recommande
Inconvénients :
SAP Business One est meilleur pour la gestion des stocks mais manquant quelque fonctionnalité , lent par fois sur le site web et nécessite de matérielle pour se développer plus

Une solution performante mais coûteuse
Avantages :
Sa facilité d'utilisation, l'intégration avec d'autres applications SAP, la personnalisation possible et son support client réactif.
Inconvénients :
le coût élevé de la licence, la nécessité d'une bonne connexion internet et la complexité de certaines mises à jour.
Gestion d'entreprise
Commentaires : SAP Business est un logiciel qui m'aide à entreprendre et à gérer facilement
Avantages :
SAP Business est un logiciel convenable pour les entreprises
Inconvénients :
SAP Business est un logiciel de très bons qualité de prix
Outil Robuste et configurable
Avantages :
- Capacité de configuration- Pas besoin de développeurs pour le mettre en place- Système robuste
Inconvénients :
Interface très perfectible, en attente de Mise à jour côté SAP
Alternatives envisagées :
Outil très fiable et agile
Commentaires : Superbe expérience. Dans la mesure ou j’ai le sentiment d’avoir entre les mains un outil de très haute qualité.J’attends beaucoup des évolutions que SAP va proposer.
Avantages :
J’apprécie particulièrement sa possibilité de configuration. Pas besoin de développeurs !Et le système est très robuste. Il ne plante quasi-jamais. J’aime sa capacité à créer des brouillon, à pouvoir visualiser les écritures comptables avant que celles-ci soient générées, à pouvoir lier n’importe quel document avec n’importe quel autre document etc…Et puis si il manque une fonctionnalités, il existe pleins d’app ou de partenaires dans SAP Store qui permet d’aller assouvir des besoins particuliers
Inconvénients :
Le gros point faible est certainement son interface. Pas très jolie. SAP travaille fort pour amener SAP Business One dans un navigateur. It’s coming soon…
Très bon ERP!
Avantages :
Facilement personalisable, surtout à l'aide de plug-in comme B1UP
Inconvénients :
Le logiciel est long à démarrer et à fermer.
Alternatives envisagées :
Un très bon ERP pour PME
Commentaires : SAP Business One est un logiciel de gestion très complet, du CRM au SAV en passant par la comptabilité et la gestion de projet, tout est intégré en temps réel. Les possibilités de B.I. embarquées sont aussi très intéressantes. Un outil solide et fiable
Avantages :
La certification Française NF203 des logiciel de gestion informatisés, la fiabilité, la traçabilité des informations, la qualité des données produites
Inconvénients :
Une architecture Windows et pas encore totalement WEB (client web sorti récemment)

SAP business one simplifies organization management
Commentaires : SAP in the workplace helps us to organize our files and reduce the amount of paper we use. We are able to successfully plan for the future of our company by using information from our sap business software. Our efficiency has increased because to Sap's business features.
Avantages :
The reporting tools in SAP Business One are fantastic, and I highly recommend them. I am able to create reports on a wide range of subjects, which has really aided my performance monitoring and decision-making. Sap business one has made it much simpler for us to run our company. Assist us in keeping track of our stock and making sure we don't waste money on unneeded expenses.
Inconvénients :
The Human Resources Management subfield is a little corner of the business world. There is less emphasis on production planning when compared to SAP's All-in-One Software. In addition, accessibility via mobile devices presents a number of difficulties.
Business Administration
Commentaires : A very wonderful experience and still like you
Avantages :
Its ease of Use and comprehensive functionality , scalability, integration capabilities, customization options, reporting and analytics tools, user-friendly interface, and powerful support system make it a popular choice for companies looking to streamline operations
Inconvénients :
From a financial point of view .It is expensive for micro companies
Alternatives envisagées :
SAP Business One ERP
Avantages :
SAP B1 is SAP's most popular and mature SMB ERP product in the market for 18+ years and with over 75000 customers worldwide. available on-premises and hosted, B1 is exclusively distributed by partners and includes broad functionality beyond finance in areas such as CRM, inventory, and MRP.
Inconvénients :
Implementation of B1 can have significant hidden costs including hosting, testing, custom reporting, and significant extra consultancy hours needed for upgrades and updates.
Great ERP system for mid-top tier production companies
Commentaires : Fantastic ERP system for bigger companies which need stable operations with reliable stock management, forecasting etc.
Avantages :
It is stable solution. It is like a swiss knife. Has all functions in a company from sales management to production
Inconvénients :
It has so many features and the user interfaces arent always intuitive. It is good when you know the system. Then it is faster to use however when you need to start up or find a new feature it isnt intuitive.
Alternatives envisagées :
This is one of the best if not the best ERP for Small and Medium Sized Entities
Commentaires : Overall, most clients who have chosen to upgrade to SAP Business One from smaller legacy app never regret the decision. As long as you work with a good SAP partner company to implement the solution well/properly, you will get full value for your money.
Avantages :
- I have taken part in SAP Business One implementation of over 30 companies in various industries in my 8 years experience as a SAP Business One Consultant. I can confidently say that this is a more than sufficient ERP solution for small and medium sized entities. It has all the business areas covered in one system. Some of this business areas/modules include: finance, inventory, supply chain(sales and procurement), producing, CRM, project management etc.- One of the main strengths that SAP Business One is known for is the customization capabilities it comes with. There are numerous customization tools that helps us consultants tailor the product to a specific customer's needs. Consultants can create custom queries, crystal reports, formatted searches(FMS), approval procedures, alerts, user defined fields, user defined tables, user defined objects. controls etc. - You can easily integrate SAP Business One to other external applications to seamlessly send data between eternal applications to SAP Business One. An example of this, you can have an external app used by sales people at the field to book orders. The orders can then be pulled into SAP in the order table. This can be a good way to save money on SAP B1 license costs.
Inconvénients :
- It is not a very affordable ERP option for most small companies. The cost of licenses and the implementation cost can be a heavy investment.
Alternatives envisagées :
One of the best ERPs in the Market for Small and Medium Sized Companies
Commentaires : Overall, I love SAP Business One and I am glad I got into this career. It's a fulfilling career to be able to help transform lives using technology.
Avantages :
- I have been a SAP Consultant for over 6 years now and I have seen how the system has transformed companies for the better. SAP Business One is a fully fledged ERP system that has all the functionalities you would need in an ERP system from financial management and reporting, Accounting, inventory management, Customer Relationship Management(CRM), Production, Full Supply chain management just to name a few of the main functionalities. - One of the strongest factors about SAP Business One has to be the customization capabilities. Let me talk about Addons. If a specific customer requirement cannot be met by SAP Business One, a developer develop an addon on top of SAP Business One to provide that specific functionality. For example, there is a client we had to develop 5 addons for since their business was quite unique and abit complex. At the end of the implementation, we had met al the requirements and the client was happy.- In terms of customization, SAP Business One provides tools like, user defined tables, user defined fields, queries, crystal reports, alerts, approvals, etc to help configure a company to their own unique specifications.-
Inconvénients :
Not many companies can afford SAP Business One in terms of the implementation cost and licensing cost. It's a huge lifetime investment so getting a client who is ready to make that switch from their legacy ERP is usually a lengthy process which involves a lot of financial considerations.
Alternatives envisagées :
The best ERP solution for SMES and also Larger Companies With Branches
Commentaires : I love Sap Business One. It's a great product that I will forever vauch for.
Avantages :
- SAP Business One is a system that has been there for many years. It is tried and tested and is a very stable ERP software that has almost all the business functionalities (financials, sales, purchasing, human resources, inventory, MRp, CRM etc) integrated and working together in a single unit.- SAP Business One is also very customizable and easily integrate with many of the other common software solutions in the market- I use Sap Business One to manage my own small airbnb business and its the best thing for my business as long accounting is concerned. As long I make accurate postings on time, I get to report the true reflection of my business and make the right decisions.
Inconvénients :
SAP Business One is not a cheap system but with the right consultant behind your implementation, you will definitely be getting value for your money.
Excellent for consolidating multiple business areas/ reporting
Avantages :
During the closing period, consolidating various business area reports into a single system significantly simplifies the process and reduces the likelihood of errors.
Inconvénients :
Getting accustomed to all the navigation and features proved to be a learning curve. However, I'm uncertain if it's specific to our company's setup, but I find that the system logs me out quite quickly, necessitating multiple logins throughout the day when I use it.
SAP Business One for project visualization
Commentaires : As the overall picture, this is very useful tool when it comes to construction planning and visualization.
Avantages :
Used this software as a project planning and monitoring tool. It is impressive that this tool allows to input all data from stores, construction sites, offices etc and visualize total cost and the returns very effectively.
Inconvénients :
This interface is not mush user friendly. So most of new commers struggled a lot to get familiar with this.
SAP Number 1!
Avantages :
One thing I really liked about the SAP Business One is that it is reliable for your business documentation. Another feature that is very helpful is that Microsoft SQL Server is available here.
Inconvénients :
For a beginner who don't have a training using this, it will be very hard to learn this SAP Business One on your own.
Powerful but expensive system
Commentaires : The system is great, and it can basically do anything you need it to do from a financial perspective if you take the time to customize it to your needs.
Avantages :
SAP is a very powerful system with a great deal of capabilities. The problem is that so much customization is needed to get the system to where you want it. The implementation team worked with SAP to customize the system, but without having in-house SAP experts, the customization team didn't know exactly what add-ons and customizations were needed. I think more work is necessary on the front end for businesses and SAP implementation specialists to plan what the company needs SAP to do for them.
Inconvénients :
The system is very expensive and only makes sense for very large companies. All ad-ons are extra, so the original quoted price is vastly different from the price once the system is completely rolled out and implemented. Not enough assistance was provided by SAP in the implementation phase, so we were paying for things that weren't utilized to their full capacity.

Alternatives envisagées :
Robust solution for finances
Avantages :
SAP Business One is a great program to manage finances with. You are able to obtain Reports, manage taxes, and integrate with other systems in a very simple way.
Inconvénients :
I can't think of a con off the top of my head.
Fantastic ERP solution for small/mid-size manufacturing operations
Commentaires : We used SAP Business One during our expansion efforts. I think it's a fantastic tool to boost manufacturing operation that aren't quite at the S/4HANA level. It's priced lower to suit small businesses, but it still has all the modules you need to automate tons and tons of processes across your organization. It also performs well and has a lot of customization options. Great solution overall
Avantages :
Business One supports tons of automated workflow creation options that were very helpful for us across different departments. With these, we were able to make a lot of our inventory check, invoicing, logistics, and auditing processes almost completely automatic. They saved us a lot of working hours and reduced the chances of human error
Inconvénients :
It's a real challenge for IT teams to implement it properly. It takes months to implement it fully and you still have to do maintenance afterwards. Even though it's easier than some of the other bigger ERP tools, you'd still need a pretty solid IT team to get it running
Solid Business Management Solution for Growing Operations
Commentaires : I've been using SAP BO for about two years and I can say that it's one of the most powerful business management solutions you can have as you expand your operations. We rely on in for inventory, order management, fulfillment, and a lot more. It's very customizable and integrates well with outside tools. All in all, it's definitely driven value for our business.
Avantages :
I love how customizable SAP products are. Most of the time, with other tools, you're conformed with the boundaries of the product, whereas with SAP, we've been able to customize everything that comes with it to fit our needs, and even set up the product to work in tandem with processes we have that rely on other tools.
Inconvénients :
I think the support aspect needs a bit of improvement. We could definitely benefit from having people to help with issues and councel us as to how else we can use the product.
Alternatives envisagées :
Good but expensive
Avantages :
The Productivity, reporting and integration
Inconvénients :
The cost of the implementation and the Annual Maintenance contract are expensive
All in one product for manufacturing firms
Commentaires : We use this software for order management, inventory tracking, financial matters such as tax purposes, and other accounting purposes and it has been great so far to work with. The only thing I would want is fewer modules and more flexibility in adding some fields in some scenarios.
Avantages :
It has the capability to handle all business functionalities including orders, inventories, invoices, and accounting management things as well. One can use this for both financial and non-financial purposes.
Inconvénients :
sometimes it has a limited number of fields that can be edited, which can be made better by allowing users to add those fields. Also, it has a lot of modules which makes it harder for beginners to understand and a professional has to switch between the modules back and forth to go from one to another.

i had very good experience
Commentaires : i really loved it all
Avantages :
I really love the dynamic. Anybody that has the notion that it’s boring clearly hasn’t done any work in software. There’s so much time to spend on figuring out what to do before you actually do any of the work, there’s a lot of fun to be had there. It’s an incredibly creative field where you make translations from business goals and concerns to software designs.
Inconvénients :
Honestly, I think that is so stupid and hypocritical. I still do not understand how this is still considered “acceptable "in some Teams. Nothing wrong with asking people for a time estimate, but using that value against them is just nonsense and destructive.

Very Structured and Professional ERP
Commentaires : It has been a wonderfull 1 year working with SAP
Avantages :
Its Very Straight Forward a lot of integration Options available With Eccomerce and Etc
Inconvénients :
Nothing much to Dislike the Software works well and as per requirement