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En savoir plus sur OpenShot Video Editor
Couper et animer les objets vidéo avec une solution d'édition vidéo open source pour Linux, Mac et Windows.
It has a lot of built-in functions, pre-made titles and you can integrate with blender and Inkscape to create your own animated titles.
So far I don't have much problem during using of this software, But I think it is some difficulties I felt during the making of subtitles. It was a little bit of getting more time.
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Openshot Video: un open source extrêmement puissant!
Commentaires : OpenShot Video Editor est un puissant logiciel de montage vidéo multiplateforme et conviviale. C'un excellent choix pour ceux qui souhaitent monter des vidéos de manière simple et gratuite.
Avantages :
OpenShot Video Editor est un logiciel de montage vidéo open source et gratuit. Il possède une interface conviviale avec des fonctionnalités de base de montage vidéo. Il est doté d'un puissant outil d'animation clé, des nombreux effets et des transitions et un nombre illimité de pistes.
Inconvénients :
OpenShot manque de fonctionnalités avancés comme le montage multi-caméras ou la prise en charge native de codecs professionnels.

Openshot video Editor
Commentaires : Depuis que j'ai utilisé Openshot Video Editor, j'ai triplé mes revenus et j'ai gagné beaucoup d'abonnés sur le format vidéo dans ma page facebook.
Avantages :
OpenShot propose un ensemble de fonctionnalités d'édition de base telles que le découpage, le découpage, la rotation, le redimensionnement et le réglage de la vitesse. Il inclut également des transitions et des effets vidéo prédéfinis.
Inconvénients :
Le problème c'est que, OpenShot n'a pas de version mobile pour les appareils iOS ou Android, ce qui signifie que vous ne pouvez pas l'utiliser sur ces plates-formes. Il est principalement destiné aux ordinateurs de bureau.
Un logiciel de montage vidéo pour débutants mais qui fait le travail.
Avantages :
Ce logiciel est peu onéreux et convient parfaitement à un usage occasionnel, en complément d'autres logiciels plus complets.
Inconvénients :
Ce logiciel manque de fonctionnalités et ne conviendra pas pour un usage intensif ou professionnel.
Mon avis
Commentaires : Openshop Video m'aide dans la réalisation de mes vidéos
Avantages :
Les sous titres qui rendent la réalisation plus personnel.
Inconvénients :
Rien de plus difficile ou compliqué à mon avis
excellent éditeur de vidéo
Commentaires : excellent logiciel gratuit, bon pour créer des vidéos, facile à utiliser , avec de nombreux effets prédéfinis
Avantages :
éditeur de vidéo facile à utiliser avec prise en charge windows, mac, linux de plus il à de nombreux effets, des luminosité, haute qualité y compris 4K
Inconvénients :
fonctionnalité d'édition un peu limite et est parfois lent
Alternatives envisagées :
Bon produit pour une utilisation peu importante
Commentaires : Fait le travail, j'utilisais Film Forth avant plus facile, rapide et fluide mais depuis Windows 11 plante sans cesse, plus utilisable. Openshot a plus de fonctionnalité mais est moins fluide et rapide
Avantages :
Le nombre de pisteLa possibilité d'incrusté un logo ou une vidéoLa facilité à détaché l'audio et le modifiéLes fonctionnalités
Inconvénients :
Aperçu moyenPas de découpage avec visualisation, il faut se positionner par rapport au timming.Export pas des plus rapide du marché
première pas
Commentaires : je passé des bonnes moment avec ce logiciel je suis très comptent
Avantages :
meilleur logiciel pour fabriqué des vidéos facile a utilisé et aussi contiens plusieurs options
Inconvénients :
franchement c'est un logiciel complet je n'ai rien a déclaré contre lui il impeccable sauf si en utilise un carte mère très avancé il faut qu'il ajoute quelque thème et plus des choix des effets puisque il est très simple

Perfect video editor!
Avantages :
This video editor is amazing! It is free and has all the features a video editor deluxe has. I highly recommand.
Inconvénients :
There is nothing I can find as cons for this amazing app!
Open Source Video Editor
Avantages :
Being open-source, OpenShot is completely free to use, which is a significant advantage for creators on a budget.
Inconvénients :
OpenShot's stability can be unreliable, often crashing when handling large projects or processing large video files.

The free and intuitive video editing solution for all levels
Avantages :
As an Openshot user, I can say that there are several advantages to this video editing software. First of all, its free nature makes it a popular choice for beginners or users with a limited budget. Second, Openshot is relatively easy to use, thanks to its intuitive user interface and smooth learning curve. In addition, it offers a variety of editing tools, visual effects and transitions to customize my videos. Finally, Openshot is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac and Linux, making it accessible to a wide community of users
Inconvénients :
Openshot can sometimes be unstable and can crash or close unexpectedly, which can be frustrating if you're working on a large project. Also, its range of features is not as extensive as some of the more advanced video editing software, which can limit its capabilities for more complex projects. Finally, although the Openshot community is active and often provides updates, support can be limited compared to more popular and commercial video editing solutions. Despite these drawbacks, I find Openshot to still be an excellent choice for beginner to intermediate users looking for a simple, free video editing solution.
Commentaires : Overall it is user friendly and if you are a beginner to video editing this is a perfect tool for you!
Avantages :
The thing I love the most about OpenShot is that you have an unlimited tracks that you can place during editing your videos.
Inconvénients :
There is no much help fron an AI if you are finding one.
Alternatives envisagées :
Program review openshot
Commentaires : Overall, the experience was successful, but it needs more modification and development
Avantages :
Produces high quality video/It's fast and the video doesn't get cut off while you're working
Inconvénients :
Slow if the video quality is high / Need to develop more
Great Value
Avantages :
For an open source product, this one packs a big punchm
Inconvénients :
Sometime the product will hang a little which is frustrating.
Avantages :
Open-source app. Available for Windows, Linux and OS X. Simple and easy to navigate interface, wide selection of effects, filters, transitions and emojis. Easy file handling (uploading of raw files). Compatible to many video file formats. Unlimited video length in editing. Hi resolution render.
Inconvénients :
None, everything you need as a newbie editor is here.
Irreplaceable video editing software
Commentaires : Very positive experience. I recommend the use of this software to all those who want to approach the world of video editing without special foundations
Avantages :
I'm not a professional video editor, but I'm self-taught and am always dabbling with new photography and video editing software. Since I discovered OpenShot, I no longer use any other alternative software, both for the videos I have to create for work presentations and for personal purposes.I really appreciate the ease of use and the fact that you can create professional videos even if you have little experience with it, as the software is very intuitive and also offers pre-set templates, as well as automatically generates the video simply by selecting the contents you prefer.
Inconvénients :
I would like the choice of transitions to be inserted between the various frames and the possibility of making texts more dynamic to be implemented.

Useful video editing tool!
Avantages :
Simple, easy to use and with a lot of potential...
Inconvénients :
... but there's still room for improvement (particularly with the frequent crashes)!

Easy to use Video Editor
Avantages :
Quite an easy to use video editor. Works on low-end pc as well and user interface is very intuitive and easy to use. It has all the features required for editing a video for an average user and gets the job done.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it has performance issues with larger files and it does lacks advanced features. It is very simple ana does not offers audio editing capabilities or multicam editing
Free version
Commentaires : I have ever used it to edit the videos and also adding effects to videos.
Avantages :
Free version displaces features for learning on how the software edit videos.
Inconvénients :
To access the good features you have to purchase premium version.
A very good video edition tool
Avantages :
Usability is very simple! I really like to edit my class videos
Inconvénients :
The program is a little heavy. It takes time to render the video
So frustrating
Commentaires : If I had the money to afford PowerDirector on my own, I'd buy it. I don't, so I'm stuck with this clunker. I assure you this is not an ad for PD. I 'm sure there are many better programs out there. But OpenShoot just frustrates me to no end, and PD is my only other frame of reference.
Avantages :
It's free, and if I was starting from scratch and using this and learning along the way, I would probably love it ... because I wouldn't know any better. I got it because right now my budget doesn't allow for anything better, and it's the closest to what I use at work, PowerDirector, which I love.
Inconvénients :
It's very frustrating to use when you're used to using a platform that is easy to learn and relatively intuitive. For instance, while you can see how far into a video you are (e.g., 01:06:25). It's on the lefthand side of the timeline. But if you click on that (say to jump forward or backward), it takes you all the way back to the beginning. Now there is a place in the lefthand column (that pops up with some digging around), but it renders the time in *seconds*. So, for instance, right now I'm working on a 1 hour, 10 minute project, so if I want to jump forward or backward, I have to calculate the time in seconds (e.g., going from 1,284 seconds to 1,173 seconds) by translating that from minutes. Whereas in PowerDirector, I just click on the time stamp in the right, type in the place to which I want to jump and, voila, I'm there once I hit enter. Another frustration I'm dealing with at this moment is how difficult the minimize functions are. I want to be able to see all the images I plan to insert in one window, but the video playback screen goes over that. So I minimize the video window. It virtually disappears, and it takes a stroke of luck to get the window containing my images and other videos and titles to appear as I want it. Once I do that, I try to get the video back. I have to shut it down, hoping the project doesn't save as it's currently configured because that does me no good. This is too much wasted time when you're editing a 1 hour, 10 minute video!

Alternatives envisagées :
OpenShot Hits The Target
Commentaires : We're able to provide a Sunday morning service to our shut-ins parishioners or those who couldn't make the service in person. Since we started a few years ago, this has been a great method of outreach.
Avantages :
My favorite aspect about OpenShot Video Editor is it's simplicity of use. I am the Tech Advisor at our church but also the volunteer editor of the weekly services. I am using OpenShot in hopes that one day another parishioner will step up and assist. I don't think it will be difficult to train them on this Editor program once they use it once or twice.
Inconvénients :
Perhaps it's my machine but I wish that it would render / export the video quicker. I've gotten the process down to where I do other things during this period (about 3 hours / hour of video), but for the price you can't go wrong.
OpenShot Video Editor
Commentaires : OpenShot Video Editor is a good quality video editing program
Avantages :
I'm a Youtuber and I use this softwareto edit my videos since the creation of the Youtube channel until now. It's very easy to use
Inconvénients :
It's a good software it's very easy to use no problem
OpenShot Video Editor
Commentaires : OpenShot Video Editor is one of the best video editing software in good quality
Avantages :
Good software for good video editing of very good quality that I really enjoyed. It is a good software
Inconvénients :
Actually, the editing is very easy, and the videos are of very good quality
The friendly video editing software
Commentaires : Before finding this software I faced many problems using different video editing software. That software was more complicated and difficult to use. anyway, the outcome also not much good. But after finding this software I'm making high-quality videos without any difficulties with minimum time-consuming. I would like to say this is the best software for video editing because this is very friendly software anyone can use this with the minimal knowledge. The good thing is the best quality videos we can make within a minimum time period.
Avantages :
The best thing about this software is easy to control or use. It means the way of using this software very much familiar to me. This is free software. Nowadays most of the peoples are using this software to make the videos. Especially, When they are making videos for the business promoting purpose. Personally I'm using this software to make the video clip by using the pictures. Then I can use the audio track also. Othe thing is I can insert the letters to my video, Finally I can make the subtitles also. I like this software and recently I installed the latest version of this software.
Inconvénients :
So far I don't have much problem during using of this software, But I think it is some difficulties I felt during the making of subtitles. It was a little bit of getting more time. Still, I'm also studying about this software. I think later on It will be ok for me.
OpenShot Video Editor
Commentaires : OpenShot Video Editor is very nice for editing a video with better image quality
Avantages :
I have never seen a better video editing software than OpenShot Video Editor. This software surprised me a lot with its quality and speed, it is a very good tool
Inconvénients :
Honestly, it is a simple and easy to use software without any problem